MJ Medical achieves RIBA Chartered Practice registration

A major step forward in provision of healthcare design services.
MJ Medical announces today its official registration as a RIBA Chartered Practice, following the recent launch of a new range of healthcare design services. Integrated with the healthcare planning and equipment and technology services provided by the company for the last 35 years, the company now offers estate strategies, master-planning, clinical design, architecture, and facility assurance services.
The design team is led by Principal Consultants and Directors Kieren Morgan and Colin Hockley, experienced healthcare architects who joined the company 18 months ago to develop its design capacity and capabilities. Kieren is an accomplished designer and innovator, responsible for many award-winning healthcare projects. He has spent over 25 years creating advanced environments for the delivery of health services across the whole health system. Colin has led the design process for numerous major projects in the UK and internationally during his 30 years’ experience in healthcare facility design. His work includes developing integrated service and estates strategies through to the design and documentation of all sizes and types of facilities.
“To go from a company with a strong consultancy offering and a widely recognised industry brand, but no design background, to an ISO tri-certified RIBA Chartered Practice with several significant commissions under our belt in 18 months is no mean feat,” says Colin Hockley. “We’ve built a great team, and are looking to expand this further in the face of an ever increasing design workload.”
“We have certainly hit the ground running, working on a range projects from primary care centres and community hospitals, to large acute hospitals which form part of the Health Infrastructure Plan programme, since we started. Whilst we offer a full architectural design service, our focus is on adding significant value through an integrated healthcare planning and design approach at the early feasibility and concept stages. We really enjoy working in partnership with other architects and designers who understand the benefits of an integrated approach to briefing and design, with the focus very much on ‘patient and families first’ and the importance of a positive working environment for staff.”
Kieren Morgan, Principal Consultant and Director
“This is a natural extension to how we see the most effective way to deliver the design of healthcare buildings. We have worked hand-in-glove with Colin and Kieren on numerous major projects before they joined MJ Medical, developing a uniquely integrated approach to healthcare planning and design that incorporates buildability and briefing to budget, saving time and producing a higher quality output. We are delighted that we can now offer this integrated approach under the MJ Medical brand.”
Dan Gibson, Principal Consultant and Director